Medically Excused Absences

Medically Excused Absences

Medical Documentation

Although a parent phone call is enough to excuse an absence in most cases, it is always best when a parent/guardians provides documentation of the student’s reason for missing school.

Absence are “medically excused” when a parent/guardian shares documents originating from a doctor, verifying one of the following:

  • The student missed school to attend an appointment for medical, dental, optometrical, or chiropractic services or a procedure.

  • The student was directed by their doctor to stay home from school for a specified time frame.

  • The students was admitted to receive care as an inpatient.

Medical documentation must specify exact dates for the Attendance Office to excuse.

Excusing Absences with Documentation

To have your student’s absences medically excused, bring all relevant documents to the Attendance Office in person, or email our school’s Attendance Technician at and attach all relevant documents.

The Attendance Office may only excuse exact dates specified on the documents.

If you have questions, you may reach the Attendance Technician directly at (619) 628-5715.

Nurse’s Release from School

Students who are released from school by the school nurse are also considered medically excused for the remainder of the day.