Athletic Director: Gisela Wolfe
Assistant Principal of Student Activities: Brianne Paxton
Follow us on Instagram @MVH_Athletics
2023-2024 Mar Vista High Coaching Staff Contact List
Athletics Important Dates for 2023-2024
Athletics Clearance Information
Sports Clearance Instructions
Athletic Clearance Information
- Athletic Physical Form and Health History – physical must be provided on this district approved form. Physicals that expire during the season of sport will not be accepted.
- Walk-in Physicals Information – List of locations where you can get a last minute physical without an appointment
- Please note: If you played an Mariner Sport sometime between March-June 2021, you may have a valid physical on file. Physicals are good for one calendar year. However, we strongly encourage parents to schedule athletic physicals for June or July so that the expiration date aligns with the school year. This would result in your son/daughter being cleared for the entire year of sports.
- – follow these instructions to complete the online clearance portion
- Website to Complete Online Athletic Clearance – log into this website for the online clearance
Insurance Information:
Athletic Myers & Stevens Co. School Insurance: Online Version, English – Hard Copy, Spanish – Hard Copy
Other Athletics Related Information:
- Driver Information Form – Athletics – use this form to obtain clearance to drive students, other than your own child, to and from athletic events
- Letterman’s Jackets can be purchased via the following business:
- San Diego Graduate Supply
641 El Cajon Blvd, El Cajon, CA 92020
Phone: (619) 440-5426
- San Diego Graduate Supply
Out of State/Overnight Tournaments
Concussion Protocol
The Sweetwater Union High School District places student safety as our number one priority. In the unfortunate situation when a student suffers a concussion we immediately implement our Return to Learn Protocol in the classroom and our Return to Play Protocol if a student is involved in our athletic programs. Parents need to communicate with their student’s coach, nurse, athletic trainer, and counselor after meeting with the doctor. A doctor’s note will assist in guiding us in accommodating your student’s needs. The nurse and counselor will then inform your students teachers and begin to monitor your student’s progress as established by our Return to Learn Protocol. Teachers will work with your student and make accommodations based upon his/her progress. If symptoms have a prolonged effect on your student’s classroom performance, a student study team may be necessary.
- Concussion Protocol Paperwork – *MANDATORY*
- Page 1 – Top 2/3 of page to be completed by coach; bottom 1/3 to be completed by Physician
- Page 2 and 3 – In addition to the bottom of page 1, these pages need to be completed by the physician at the INITIAL examination and returned to school nurse
- Concussion Q & A for Parents
- A summary of common questions and answers for parents regarding concussions
“Sweetwater Union High School District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination based on age, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information, sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.”
SUHSD Board Policy 0410.
Los programas y actividades del distrito Sweetwater Union High School District estarán libres de discriminación basada en edad, género, identidad o expresión de género, o información genética, sexo, raza, color, religión, ascendencia, origen nacional, identificación con un grupo étnico, estado civil, discapacidad física o mental, orientación sexual; o por la percepción de una o más de dichas características, o la asociación con una persona o grupo con una o más de dichas características percibidas o reales.”
Política 0410 del Consejo de SUHSD.