Parents & Guardians

Parents & Guardians

Welcome Mariner Families!

Our Mariner parents are an essential part of our educational team.  We hope that you will use this page to stay informed about activities on campus, educational opportunities inside and outside the classroom, and volunteer needs you can fill to help us better serve our students.

We highly value your input, so we would like to hear from you.  Please use the menu to connect to different departments and staff members on our campus.  Thank you for playing an active role in your child’s education; we look forward to working together!

Nuestros padres Mariners son una parte esencial de nuestro equipo educativo. Esperamos que utilice esta página para mantenerse informado sobre las actividades en el campus, las oportunidades educativas dentro y fuera del aula y las necesidades de voluntariado que puede cubrir para ayudarnos a servir mejor a nuestros estudiantes.

Valoramos mucho sus comentarios, por lo que nos gustaría saber de usted. Utilice el menú para conectarse con diferentes departamentos y miembros del personal de nuestro campus. Gracias por desempeñar un papel activo en la educación de su hijo; ¡Esperamos trabajar juntos!

Parent Center

The Parent Center office is open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.  For more information, please contact our Community Relations Facilitator (CRF).

Kiho Santillán Terán
Phone office: (619) 628- 5758

Click to view parent/guardian online resources

Centro de Padres

La oficina del Centro de Padres está abierta desde 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.  Para obtener más información, comuníquese con nuestro Facilitador de Relaciones Comunitarias (CRF).

Kiho Santillán Terán
Teléfono oficina: (619) 628- 5758
Correo electrónico:

Haga clic para ver los recursos en línea para padres/tutores

For Families


To excuse an absence:
A parent or guardian must contact the attendance office at 619-628-5715.

Please be ready to provide:
(1) your name and relationship to the student;
(2) the student’s name and date of birth;
(3) a reason for the absence;
(4) the date(s) of absence(s) being reported.

If no one answers, please leave a voicemail message with this information.

Technology Support

Check out this great resource from the IT department with info on how to reset passwords, tutorials on using Google classroom, Jupiter grades, and more

MVH Student Tech Support Guide

If you are unable to resolve your issue using the site above please contact our district’s IT help line.

Information Technology Staff will be available for phone support
Monday-Friday from 7AM to 3:30PM.

Helpline: 619-585-7995

Option 1: Application Services – Infinite Campus and login support for gradebooks
Option 2: Telecommunications – Telephone / voicemail services
Option 3: Computer Services – Email password reset, computer login / password support, student password assistance (Google/Infinite Campus), computer support, device support.
Option 4: Network Services – Internet support, website support.

School Site Council

School Site Council Meeting Agenda – 03/03/2025

Click image